
What Draft Tools Will You Choose?

Sketch draft is most at ease,it doesn’t have to be on the tune, can be directly modified line on the canvas, resize, simple color can also be used to determine the picture’s main color and color relationships. Introducing Several draft tools in the following

(1) Charcoal: Charcoal is suitable for painting on canvas or wood charcoal sketch. Charcoal’s performance is better because it prints lighter, more easily rubbed off, it is more flexible to use.Using it for the impresionism oil painting rerpoduction is very suitable.
(2) Charcoal pencil:Line of Charcoal pencil is smaller, is more suitalbe for the detail painting,such as the portrait painting from photo
(3) Colored chalks and Crayons. There is not too much using on the canvas, avoiding using white or light color. In this sketch ,using colors of chalk or crayon can make unstable.
(4) Watercolor and Acrylic colors. Extremely thin watercolors will not have any impact on oil painting-color cover,If you want to thick coating, you can use acrylic or oil paints.
(5) The ink. Using the Chinese painting and calligraphy ink is very interesting. Oil painting-color line in a Carpenter’s ink marker can be overwritten, can also be reserved, it will not be turpentine wash off easily.
At sketch draft stage, Hairspray, glue and other fixatives are indispensable. For easy peeling or pan on the color of materials is necessary to spray a fixative. In addition, rubber, cloth, and other essential goods.

